Mindful May: Week Three

BODY SCAN: Audio Recording


This week is Mental Health Awareness Week across the U.K.! Mental health has become much more of a concern over the last few years as children are put under so much pressure with tests and social media.

1 in 10 children in the U.K. have a mental health problem – that is 3 children in EVERY CLASS. Over the last 25 years, depression and anxiety in young people has risen by 70%.

Mindfulness is so beneficial for everybody’s mental health and helps to improve well being, focus, optimism, happiness and empathy.

Play this mindfulness exercise to your class every day this week to show them how I’m just 2 minutes they can calm down, relax and clear their minds. If you teach Year 6, then this body scan is great to calm them down before they sit their SATs. Good luck! 🙂

When we worry and stress, the amygdala part of our brains 🧠 sends too much adrenaline and cortisol around our bodies which makes the heart beat faster and pushes our blood and heart rates up and in short, stops the hippocampus part of the brain recalling facts and information from memory, which is why our minds can go blank in exams.

Try this ‘body scan’ with your class. It is a mindfulness technique to calm the brain and slow down these stress responses to give the class the best chance of doing well this week.


Help to spread mindfulness to the next generation to give them the skills to thrive in today’s society.

Holly Morris

The Mindfulness Teacher Ltd


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