How to use Mindfulness Teacher Scripts in the Classroom.

Hi to all my new followers!

3 brains

Thank you for subscribing to the blog now that my website has gone live! I’ve been blown away by the amount of downloads for the teacher scripts! I’m so happy that teachers all over the WORLD will be using them in their classrooms! Teachers in the UK, USA & Australia have all been downloading!

We are the first business to create mindfulness scripts. I haven’t seen them anywhere else, but maybe that is because there aren’t many other people offering mindfulness resources to schools. I think that scripts are essential for teachers who want to introduce mindfulness to their classes but they don’t quite know what it is themselves or they might not feel confident to.

Our scripts tell you EXACTLY what that mindfulness exercise is for, how it will benefit the children and what to say. There are NO RESOURCES needed for our mindfulness practises as I want them to be as easy as possible for teachers…we don’t need any more things on our to do lists!!

At the top of all of our scripts are the following sections:

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  • Frequency (how often to do this mindfulness practice).
  • Duration (how long it will last).
  • Skills being developed.
  • Classroom set up (how best to sit the children). In here I mention the use of a bell to signal the start and end of the mindfulness practice – you can use a musical instrument from school that resonates. This is good to set the tone and signals to the children to be silent.

Then the teacher script will begin; just simply read what is on there to the class and you will be leading them through a mindfulness practice. When you have repeated this script a few times (I recommend doing the same one every day for a week so that they get used to it and then doing it once a week alongside other practices) then you will also be more familiar with it and you can join in too.

It would be great for your mental well-being and be a few minutes of chill out of your day.

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On my website, this poster is available to download for free to explain to your class what mindfulness is before you first practise it (or hopefully the attachment below will work).

what is mindfulness poster.

The code NEWYEAR299 is still valid until the end of January so use it now to download your first teacher script for FREE!

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